Manual Aras 3D Viewers Upgrade
Do the pre-upgrade procedures as discussed in section Pre-Upgrade Procedures.
In the unzipped Aras 3D Visualization 26 CD Image package, go to the following folder:
Aras 3D Visualization 26 CD Image\Packages\3DViewers
Copy the Innovator folder from the 3DViewers package folder to the root Aras Innovator code tree folder that includes the Innovator folder replacing the files with the same names in the destination.
Note: It is recommended that a server administrator performs this step.
In the Aras Innovator code tree, go to \Innovator\Client and open the InnovatorClient.configfile in a text editor with an admin’s privileges.
In the cachingModule tag, change the value of the filesRevision attribute from std to 2. If it is already an integer, change it to a next higher value; for example, from 2 to 3:
<cachingModule moduleEnabled="true" filesRevision="3" />
Such value modification reloads the cache. If the cache is not reloaded after the Aras 3DV installation, the Aras 3DV UI may not be displayed correctly; for example, icons can be absent.
Save and close the InnovatorClient.config file.
If upgrading from Aras 3DV 14.0.2, go to \Innovator\Client\Solutions\3DV\Scripts\Controls in the Aras Innovator code tree and delete the following file:
Enable logon for the root (Super User) User.
Launch the Aras Package Import tool.
Figure 15.
Enter a connection URL for a given Aras Innovator instance in the Server field. By default, it is http://localhost/InnovatorServer/.
Click the Login button. The Login to Aras Innovator dialog box appears.
Figure 16.
Specify the connection information for the given Aras Innovator instance:
Database: a name of a target Aras Innovator database. By default, it is InnovatorSolutions.
Username: root.
Password: a password for the root User. By default, it is
Click the Login button. Aras Package Import should have successfully connected to the given Aras Innovator instance.
Figure 17.
Specify the connection information for the 3D Viewers database update modules:
Target Release: 3DV14.0.4.
Description: Aras 3D Visualization 14.0.4 - 3D Viewers.
Manifest File Path: a path to the 3D Viewers import manifest file in the unzipped Aras 3D Visualization 26 CD Image package. For example, C:\Aras 3D Visualization 26 CD Image\Packages\3DViewers\Imports\
Available for Import: click Select All Packages.
Type: Merge.
Mode: Thorough Mode.
Figure 18.
Click Import to start the upgrade.
Once the upgrade is successfully completed, close the Aras Package Import tool.
Disable the logon for the root (Super User) User.
This step is optional. Confirm the successful 3D Viewers upgrade. See section Confirming Successful Upgrade.
If the upgrade fails, restore the Aras Innovator code tree and database with the backups done before the upgrade and contact Aras Support at [email protected].